We are supporting the production of ‘Jo in the Water’ – a feature documentary brought together in collaboration with @surfersagainstsewage and @riveractionuk.
“The sea is an amenity that is available to all of us and every single one of us has the right to swim in that sea as often as we like. I’ve had that choice taken away from me.”
Jo Bateman has chosen to fight back and is taking legal action to protect her right to swim. She is suing South West Water for sea sewage discharges at her local beach in Exmouth.
“I’m bringing this case because I’ve simply had enough, and I feel there is no other option available to me for holding South West Water properly to account.”
The film will follow Jo’s journey as she pursues her legal action and connects with others both local and national fighting the same cause. It will be an intimate portrait of an ordinary person who has fallen in love with wild sea swimming and is compelled to take action. Jo is fighting for nature. Jo is fighting on behalf of all of us.
The film is intended for a UK cinema release Spring/Summer 2025 ahead of UK TV and international streaming, to increasingly put pressure on South West Water, and other water companies, to stop dumping sewage in our waters.